● Farscape● Guardians Of The Galaxy
● Marvel / DC
● 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown
● Universal Basic Income (giving me something to vote for, for the 1st time)
● Henning Vehn
● Stewart Lee
● Infinite Monkey Cage (podcast on science)
● Sixty Symbols videos
● Cory DudeLikeHella videos
● Roquito Peppers
● Remmie, my cat
● the interesting interior architecture of fancy clothes stores in Bath like Hollister/Urban Outfitters (dislikes: them being used for just clothes when they could be refashioned into somekinda meeting spots)
● People who always respond to messages
● A romanticised idea of what love could be.
● The Developer diaries filtering in from Unreal Tournament 4.
● previews of Alien:Isolation
● Crate & Crowbar Podcast (PC Gaming)
● ISIS / news from the middle-east● Living in Bath
● Homeopathy
● Gambling (Lottery)
● Celeb gossip magazines
● People who don't reply / keep conversations going online
● Advertising
● Alcohol & Cigarettes
● 3rd wave Feminism (you can be fair and treat all humans equal regardless of gender without labelling yourself as a feminist)
● Rich people / not having enough money to 'just be'
● Pseudoscience
● Devout / extremist religion
● People who say they're friends but don't talk or visit
● Strangers on the internet verbally attacking each other, or me, or you.
● Litterers